St. Clement Roman Catholic Parish Church

The church in Közép-Bük (Middle Bük) was built in 1408; but it was already a reconstruction of a 13th century Romanesque church. The 13th century late Romanesque church, which underwent a research-based restoration, represents significant value in Hungarian Romanesque rural architecture.
Közép-Bük (Middle-Bük) was referred to as “Church-Bük” after the church for a long time and this is also probably the oldest part of the settlement. Inside the building reconstructed in Baroque-style, fragments of wall-paintings are also reminiscent of earlier ages. The one-nave building with a side-chapel has both Romanesque and Gothic details; however, its tower was built already in Baroque style in 1658. Between 1595 and 1673, the church, the parsonage, the school and the church lands belonged to the Lutheran congregation. The church was also reconstructed on the inside. A pulpit was made on the north side, the walls were repainted and sacred texts were written on them. By the late 17th century, the condition of the church had started to deteriorate; between 1732 and 1757 the whole building was rebuilt in Baroque style at the expense of the patron of the church, István Felsőbüki Nagy, deputy-lieutenant of Sopron County, and the Czompó family.