Memorial of the Soviet Soldiers Perished in and around Bük in World War II

Soviet soldiers who died at the Bük field hospital and the deceased transported here were placed in four rows alongside the cemetery. The 6-metre-high memorial made of brick and concrete standing in front of them was inaugurated on 1 May 1946. On 27 October 1956, it was destroyed by revolutionaries and later restored in 1957. The special feature of the memorial is that it is the only one in the area of the former Csepreg district, which is not only a memorial but also a cemetery. After the transition to democracy, the obelisk was demolished and replaced by a standing memorial plaque made of limestone from Süttő, which contains the names and reads: “Here lie the 87 Soviet soldiers killed in World War II and 37 unknown soldiers. Killed in the war in and around Bük in spring, 1945.”